
The Popularity Poll results, for 2010, can be viewed by clicking this link

What Daylily is Popular in Your Area?

As a service to its members and to the general public, each year the American Hemerocallis Society (AHS) conducts a popularity poll among its members to determine the favorite daylilies from each region. (Click here to see what AHS Region you live in.) It is the hope of the AHS that this Popularity Poll presents a true picture of which daylilies perform well in a given area and which are best liked by the membership. Popularity polls are important to daylily growers -- both AHS members and nonmembers -- who make daylily selections for purchase.

David Hall Memorial Award Winners

The David Hall Memorial Medal/Certificate is awarded annually on a regional basis to the hybridizer of the most popular cultivar as determined by vote of the region's members in the Popularity Poll.

(Formats vary each year depending on tabulators and how the results were sent to the webmaster.)

2010 Daylily Recommendations (from Voting in 2009)

For 2010 the results were tabulated and provided by Pop Poll Chairman, Melodye Campbell. All 15 region's votes are displayed in the separate tables, the top International vote getters are listed and a combined results and voter turnout table are also included. Ph4> 2009 Results For 2009 the results were tabulated and provided by Pop Poll Chairman, Rebecca Board. All 15 region's votes are displayed in the separate tables, the top International vote getters are listed and a combined results and voter turnout table are also included.

2008 Results

For 2008 the results were tabulated and provided by Pop Poll Chairman, Rebecca Board. All 15 region's votes are displayed in the separate tables, the top International vote getters are listed and a combined results and voter turnout table are also included.

2006 Results

For 2006 the results were tabulated and provided by Pop Poll Chairman, Rebecca Board. This year all 15 region's votes are displayed in the separate tables, the top International vote getters are listed and a combined results and voter turnout table are also included.

2005 Results

For 2005 the results were tabulated and provided by Pop Poll Chairman Sam Jobe. This year all regions votes are displayed in the table as well as the number and percentage from the region that participated in the poll. Beneath the table are the top vote getters from each region. More detailed individual regional results are most often found in your regional newsletters.

2004 Results

For 2004 the results were tabulated and provided by Pop Poll Chairman Gary Colby. This year all regions votes are displayed in the table as well as the number and percentage from the region that participated in the poll. Beneath the table are the top vote getters from each region. More detailed individual regional results are most often found in your regional newsletters.

2003 Results

For 2003 the results were tabulated and provided by Pop Poll Chairman Gary Colby. You may also dowload an Excel® spreadsheet of the results here. This year all regions votes are displayed as well as the number and percentage from the region that participated in the poll. The individual regional results are most often found in your regional newsletters.

2002 Poll Results by Regions within the AHS.

The AHS is pleased to present the Popularity Poll for 2002. AHS Regional newsletters may feature more complete results. Regional voting can accessed below, just follow the Regional links. This year we also have a list of how many Regions voted for the top popularity poll vote getters. 2002 Cummulative Results are also available. The 2002 results were tabulated by Tom Flammang, 2002 AHS Popularity Poll Chairman, and the Regional Tabulators.
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For previous records, refer to the 1994 AHS Popularity Poll, the 1995 AHS Popularity Poll, the 1996 AHS Popularity Poll, the 1997 AHS Popularity Poll, the 1998 AHS Popularity Poll, the 1999 AHS Popularity Poll, the 2000 AHS Popularity Poll and the 2001 AHS Popularity Poll.

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