Individual Award Nominations

Please use this form to nominate individuals for their service and contributions to the American Daylily Society. Guidelines for these awards are displayed below the form.


    Individual Awards

    The deadline for submissions is September 1st, 2018.

    Nomination Guidelines for Personal and Regional Service Awards:

    • All nomination letters must be sent either by email or by USPS to the AHS Awards and Honors Chairman by September 1 each year.  e-mail:
    • Any AHS member may nominate worthy individuals for any of the Personal Awards.
    • Any AHS member may nominate worthy individuals from his or her home region for the AHS Service Awards.
    • Currently serving Board members at the time the award is voted on or presented are not eligible, although current Regional Presidents are eligible.
    • Paid employees and independent contractors with the AHS shall not be eligible for Personal Awards unless he or she is nominated for volunteer service unrelated to his or her paid position.
    • Each nomination letter must be typed, either double or single spaced and should be limited to no more than two pages.
    • All nomination letters should contain a summary of the nominee’s worthiness for the award.
    • Nomination letters for the Bertrand Farr Medal should contain a listing of all AHS Awards received by the nominee to date. This list can be obtained from the Cumulative List of Awards available on the AHS website. A listing of Pop Poll Awards as well as Regional and Flower show Awards should also be included. Any unusual or special accomplishments or advancements in hybridizing should  be noted.
    • Nomination letters for the Helen Field Fischer Award should contain a listing of services the nominee has performed at the National level.
    • Nomination letters for the Moldovan Mentoring Award should cite examples of instances where the nominee has mentored beginning hybridizers, youth members or local daylily clubs.
    • While it is perfectly acceptable for several individuals to collaborate in writing nomination letters for worthy individuals, in the interest of preventing any hurt feelings or misunderstandings, it is recommended that these nominations be submitted in confidence and not shared with those being nominated.
    • The announcement of winners and medal presentations for Personal Awards will be made at the Annual Awards and Honors Banquet.  Regional Service Award winners will be announced at the Friday evening meeting.

    Best Article About Daylilies in a Non-Daylily Publication

    The award for best article about daylilies in a non-daylily publication was established to recognize the author(s) of articles that promote, encourage, and foster the appreciation and the increased usage of daylilies in landscaping, and home and public gardens.

    1. Only AHS members are eligible.
    2. An article printed in any non-daylily publication or newsletter of a non-daylily club or society is eligible. The article must have been published in the year prior to being judged. For example, articles published in 2016 will be judged in 2017.
    3. A copy of the printed article or a reasonable facsimile must be submitted to the Regional Officers Chair byDecember 31of the year prior to being judged. Articles may be submitted by the author or another AHS member.
    4. The author of the best article will be awarded a certificate and will be announced at the annual National Convention.

    AHS Electronic Media Award

    The AHS Technology Committee and Awards and Honors Committee jointly administer this award, designed to recognize individuals who have performed outstanding service to the AHS membership and the general public in the area of electronic media. This electronic media should create interest in, educate and promote the AHS to members and the general public.  Nominees may have created websites, blogs, electronic magazines, mobile applications, as well as emerging technologies not specifically listed or included in other award categories. This award is presented at the National Convention each year.  Rules applying to this award are as follows.

    • All nominees must be AHS members
    • Any AHS member may nominate a member from any AHS region, including International members, for this award.
    • All nominations must be sent to the AHS Technology Chair by no later than September 1 each year.
    • Nomination letters must include a website address or a link to the electronic media that can be viewed online.
    • In addition to describing the merit of the electronic media and the candidate’s worthiness for the award, nomination letters must address the merits of the electronic media relative to the following criteria:
      • Effect on furthering and promoting the mission of the AHS
      • Potential effect on membership growth 
      • Educational merit
      • Technical difficulty
      • Ease of use and navigation
      • Aesthetic appeal
    • The AHS Board will select the winner at the Fall Board meeting each year.
    • The winner is awarded a certificate and a special electronic logo denoting the AHS award that may be used on the website, mobile app or Electronic magazine denoting the AHS Electronic Media award and year awarded.
    • The award recipient will be recognized in the Daylily Journal and E-News.
    • A member may be nominated for and receive this award more than once.Download a .pdf of this nomination material HERE.

    The American Daylily Society