
Grasshoppers belong to the insect Order Orthoptera. Most are from one to two inches in size and either green, brown or yellow in color. They damage plants by consuming leaves and stems and are more of a problem in areas where the annual rainfall is from 10 to 30 inches. Eggs are usually laid in the soil in late summer/fall, so cultivating the ground at that time may reduce their numbers. Mulching may help, and natural enemies will take their toll. Rows of seedlings etc. can be covered with floating row covers. However, in general these pests are hard to control where they are numerous enough to cause significant levels of damage.

Image used with permission from University of California Statewide IPM Project, Jack Kelly Clark, photographer. Any additional uses of this image must be received from the copyright holder directly – AHS does not have permission to grant additional usage of this image for any purposes

See also:  Pests

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