Daylily Terms and Abbreviations
In this section the descriptive terms and abbreviations used to describe clones in this publication are briefly explained.
Terminology and Abbreviations
Used in Describing Clones Prior to July 1, 1957
Height of scape is expressed in inches as it performs in the originator’s garden.
- EE – extra early
- E – early
- EM – early midseason
- MLa – late midseason
- La – late
- LVa – very late
- Re – remontant, or reblooms
Fragrance is lacking unless indicated as below:
- fr. – fragrant
- – very fragrant
Day-blooming unless indicated otherwise
- diu. – day-blooming
- noc. – night-blooming
- ext. – extended blooming, flowers remain open 16 hours or more
- ev. – evergreen (continuous growth)
- semi-ev. – semi-evergreen, or intermediate between the two extremes
- dor. (de.) – dormant (deciduous), discontinuous growth or dormant in winter
Two methods of color descriptions are used in this publication. The clones registered before and including 1953 are described by the use of symbols or abbreviations. Those registered since 1953 are described in words, using the originator’s own description. Both of these systems give only a general idea as to the color and are not intended to give an elaborated description such as will usually be found in the introducer’s catalog. The clones registered since 1953 are in simple color terms and need no explanation. The section below applies only to those registered prior to this change.
The color patterns are indicated by three numbers:
- 1 represents a self;
- 2 represents markings, rays, veins, halos, spots, borders or shades of same color (bitones), or different hues (polychromes or pastels);
- 3 represents bicolors which have petals of a definitely different color from that of the sepals.
In lieu of more definite pattern numbers, the following letters are added where required:
- P (Polychrome) to indicate pastel, blend, or a combination of colors. The color letter will indicate the overall impression at a distance.
- S (Spot) indicates a definite spot or band
- H (Halo) indicates a darker area not of sufficient depth to be called spotted or banded.
The following daylily cultivars are illustrations:
- ‘Hyperion’ – GYL1; Green-Yellow, Light, self pattern.
- ‘Bicolor’ – ROM/YOL3; Red-Orange, Medium petals; Yellow-Orange light sepals. 3 indicates the color pattern, which is bicolor.
- ‘August Pioneer’ – YOM2-P; Yellow-Orange, Medium; 2-P indicates it is shaded in Polychrome.
- ‘Bertrand Farr’ – ORL2-P; Orange-Red, light, 2 indicates the veins and -P that it is a Polychrome.
- ‘Baronet’ – ORM1; Orange-Red, Medium, self.
- ‘Purple Waters’ – VRM2-H; Violet-Red, Medium; 2 for veins, -H for Halo.
The following colors and abbreviations have been used:
- B: blue
- D: dark
- L: light or pale
- M: medium
- O: orange
- G: green
- R: red
- V: violet
- Y: yellow
- W: white
- S: spot or eyezone
- H: halo
- P: blend or polychrome
- /: used between petal and sepal color to indicate bicolor.
Alphabetical List of Abbreviations
- AAS. — American Amaryllis Society, organized May 21, 1933, published first issue of annual yearbook HERBERTIA in 1934. Name changed in 1945 to the American Plant Life Society. See also ALS.; Hb.; P.L.
- A.Hem.S. — American Hemerocallis Society, Inc. organized in 1946 as The Midwest Hemerocallis Society. Name changed to The Hemerocallis Society in 1948. Name changed to American Hemerocallis Society, Inc. in 1955.
- A.H.S. — American Horticultural Society.
- A.M. — Award of Merit. This award is given annually to the 10 (now 12) clones that receive the most recommendations for this award by the Accredited Judges of the American Hemerocallis Society, Inc.
- APLS. — The American Plant Life Society.
- B. — Blue
- BHG. — Better Homes and Gardens, magazine published monthly at Des Moines, Iowa.
- c. — Catalog or price list.
- Circ. 88 — Agricultural Extension Service, Gainesville, Fla., Circular 88, entitled Daylilies in Florida by John V. Watkins, Published by University of Florida in Cooperation with U.S.D.A. March 1949.
- Clone — A plant reproduced by asexual (vegetative) means. For example: All plants of the clone ROSALIND are genetically uniform with its ‘mother plant’, having been derived from it by asexual division. A clone is a particular type of cultivar (cultivated variety).
- D — ‘dark’, used after color symbol.
- D. — Subgenus Dihemera (unbranched scapes).
- dbl. — double flowers
- DCH. — DESCRIPTIVE CATALOG OF HEMEROCALLIS CLONES, 1893 to 1948, by Norton, Stuntz, and Ballard. Published by The American Plant Life Society, June 1949. All clones recorded in this volume are considered registered for purposes of awards by A .Hem. S.
- de. — deciduous foliage, see dor.
- diu. — diurnal (day blooming)
- dor. — Dormant foliage during rest period
- E — early
- E. — Subgenus Euhemra (forked scapes)
- EE — extra early
- EM — early midseason
- err. — error due to spelling rather than a real synonym
- ev. — evergreen foliage in mild climates
- ext. — Extended bloom. Clones so designated remain open for at least 16 hours
- f. — figure , illustration or plates
- f.-c. — illustrated in color, figure or plates
- FCC. — First Class Certificate
- Fl. Gr. — Flower Grower Magazine, published monthly at Albany, N.Y.
- fr. — fragrant
- Gard. — The Garden. Weekly Journal of Horticulture. Published in London from 1872 until Dec. 1927.
- Gard. Chr. Am. — Gardener’s Chronicle of America, published monthly at Baltimore, Md.
- Garde. Journ. NYBG. — Garden Journal of New York Botanical Garden, Bronx Park, New York 58, N.Y. Published bimonthly. Succeeds former Journal which was published monthly. See Journ. NYBG. Garden catalog.
- G.c. — Garden catalog
- G.s. — Garten Schoenheit — German periodical.
- H. — Hemerocallis genus. Usually precedes all species names.
- Hb. — HERBERTIA, the yearbook of the American Plant Life Society.
- Hem. J. — Hemerocallis Journal, American Hemerocallis Society, Inc. First published in June 1955. Published quarterly. Succeeds The Hemerocallis Society Newsletter. See HSN.
- Hem. S. — The Hemerocallis Society. Founded at Shenandoah, Iowa, July 14, 1946 as The Midwest Hemerocallis Society.
- H. M. — Honorable Mention. This award is given only to those clones officially registered and duly introduced according to the policies determined by Awards and Honors Committee of A.Hem.S. A clone must receive 10 or more recommendations from the Accredited Judges.
- HSN. — Hemerocallis Society Newsletter
- Hyb. — A.Hem.S. Yearbook
- I. — Introduced, or formal introduction into commerce. Introduction consists of offering a clone for sale, stating price, in a dated, printed or mechanically duplicated price list, catalog, or other publication.
- J.C. — Junior Citation. This honor is given by A.Hem.S. to those named or numbered clones, not introduced at time of judging, which receive 7 or more votes from the Accredited Judges.
- Journ. NYBG. — Journal of the New York Botanical Garden, published monthly 1901-1951, bimonthly beginning 1951 as The Garden Journal.
- Journ. RHS. — Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society, London, England.
- La — Late
- l. hom. — Later homonym; the term used when a name already in use has been applied to a different clone at a later date.
- L — Light
- M. & P. — Maerz and Paul. A Dictionary of Color, by A. Maerz and M. Rea Paul.
- myb. 1 — First Yearbook of the Midwest Hemerocallis Society published in 1947.
- N. — Nursery or nurseries
- N.F.S. — New Flora and Silva. Quarterly magazine published in London.
- noc. — Nocturnal (night-blooming).
- N.Y.B.G. — New York Botanical Garden, New York, N.Y.
- P.D. 1946 — Perry’s Dairy, published by Mr. Amos Perry for private circulation.
- PHPF. — Perry’s Hardy Plant Farm, Enfield, Middlesex, England.
- P.L. — Plant Life, periodical published by American Plant Life Society.
- Pop. Gar. — Popular Gardening Magazine, published monthly at Albany. N.Y.
- R. — Registered. Indicates that name of clone with description has been registered by A .Hem .S.
- Re. — Remontant, or reblooming at intermittent periods.
- Rec. — Recognized as the valid name of an unregistered clone, which has been published with adequate description. Such a clone is not eligible for awards of A.Hem.S. unless it is registered later.
- Rep. Third Conf. Genetics. — Report of Third International Conference of Genetics held in London, 1906. Published in 1907 by the Royal Horticultural Society.
- rev. — Reverse, when added to color symbols signifies that the darker hue is on sepals rather than on petals.
- Rev. Hort. — Revue Horticole. Periodical published in Paris, France. Founded in 1829 and suspended 1914.
- RHS. — Royal Horticultural Society, London, England.
- S. Da. — ‘Daylilies’, by A. B. Stout, Ph.D. Published in 1934.
- Sdlg. — Seedling.
- S. M. — Stout Medal. This is the highest award of the A .Hem. S. It is awarded annually to eligible Award of Merit winners receiving the greatest number of votes from the Accredited Judges of A .Hem. S.
- S.P.N. — Standardized Plant Names, published by J. Horace McFarland Co., Harrisburg, Pa., 1942.
- syn. — Synonym; term used to apply to invalid names for the same clone.
- Tenth Anniv. Svr. Prog. — Tenth Anniversary Souvenir and Program Book for A.Hem.S. convention, 1956 at Omaha, Nebr. Published by Omaha Hemerocallis Society, Mrs. Chas. P. Leddy, Pres., 6709 Maple St., Omaha 4, Nebr.
- Y — Yellow
The American Daylily Society