Bertrand Farr Silver Medal

Established in 1950 and named for an early daylily nurseryman, this medal is a distinguished honor for members who have attained outstanding results in the field of daylily hybridizing.  In general this award should honor only one person annually, but two awards have been given on occasion. The award can only be given to a single individual.  Nominations may be submitted by any AHS member to the AHS Awards & Honors Chairman by mail or email. A complete review of accomplishments should be made, including all awards, appearances on the Popularity Poll, and unusual accomplishments. Nominations are due by September 1st for the upcoming year.  The AHS Board votes by secret ballot at the annual fall board meeting, and the award is presented at the following AHS National Convention.

Years of Excellence

Award Winners

Heidi Douglas South Carolina 2024
Tim Bell Georgia 2023
Vic Santa Lucia North Carolina 2022
Jamie Gossard Ohio 2021
Don Herr Pennsylvania 2020
Karol Emmerich Minnesota 2019
Jim Murphy Virginia 2018
Dottie Warrell Ohio 2017
John Kinnebrew, Jr. Florida 2016
Jack Temple Florida 2015
Tim Herrington Georgia 2014
Margo Reed Virginia 2013
Grace Stamile Califormia 2012
Clayton Burkey Pennsylvania 2011
Dan Trimmer Florida 2010
Jan Joiner Georgia 2009
Mr. Jack Carpenter Texas 2008
Mr. Ned Roberts Colorado 2007
Dr. Darrel Apps New Jersey 2006
Dr. Charles E. Branch Illinois 2005
Edwin C. Brown Florida 2004
Jeff Salter Florida 2003
Curt Hanson Ohio 2002
David Talbott Florida 2002
Elizabeth Hudson Salter Florida 2001
Morton L. Morss Florida 2000
Ra Hansen Florida 1999
Clarence J. Crochet Louisiana 1998
Patrick Stamile Florida 1997
Sarah Sikes Alabama 1996
Lee E. Gates Louisiana 1995
Kate Carpenter North Carolina 1994
Enman R. Joiner Georgia 1993
Steve Moldovan Ohio 1992
Bryant Millikan Indiana 1991
Lucille Guidry Louisiana 1990
Charlie Pierce Alabama 1989
Kenneth G. Durio, Jr. Louisiana 1988
Van Sellers North Carolina 1987
David Kirchhoff Florida 1986
Pauline Henry Arkansas 1985
Oscie B. Whatley, Jr. Missouri 1984
Ury G. Winniford Texas 1983
Clarke M. Yancey Georgia 1982
Edward F. Grovatt New Jersey 1981
Elsie Spalding Louisiana 1980
R.M. Kennedy, III South Carolina 1979
Lucille Williamson Texas 1978
Clara Mae Pittard Louisiana 1977
John R. Lambert, Jr. North Carolina 1976
Allen J. Wild Missouri 1975
James E. Marsh Illinois 1974
Charles Reckamp Illinois 1973
Virginia Peck Tennessee 1972
Sally Lake Alabama 1971
George E. Lenington Missouri 1970
Robert A. Griesbach Illinois 1970
Wilmer B. Flory Indiana 1969
Hubert A. Fischer Illinois 1968
R. William Munson, Jr. Florida 1967
W.B. MacMillan Louisiana 1966
Edna Spalding Louisiana 1965
Hamilton P. Traub California 1964
Frank W. Childs Georgia 1963
Orville W. Fay Illinois 1962
Hooper J. Connell Louisiana 1961
LeMoine J. Bechtold Colorada 1960
Elmer A. Claar Illinois 1959
Hugh M. Russell Texsas 1958
Ralph W. Wheeler Florida 1957
David F. Hall Illinois 1956
Ophelia Taylor Florida 1955
Ezra J. Kraus Oregon 1954
Elizabeth Nesmith Massachusetts 1953
Mary Lester Georgia 1952
Carl Milliken California 1951
Arlow Burdette Stout New York 1950
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The American Daylily Society