Bertrand Farr Silver Medal
Established in 1950 and named for an early daylily nurseryman, this medal is a distinguished honor for members who have attained outstanding results in the field of daylily hybridizing. In general this award should honor only one person annually, but two awards have been given on occasion. The award can only be given to a single individual. Nominations may be submitted by any AHS member to the AHS Awards & Honors Chairman by mail or email. A complete review of accomplishments should be made, including all awards, appearances on the Popularity Poll, and unusual accomplishments. Nominations are due by September 1st for the upcoming year. The AHS Board votes by secret ballot at the annual fall board meeting, and the award is presented at the following AHS National Convention.
Award Winners
Heidi Douglas | South Carolina | 2024 |
Tim Bell | Georgia | 2023 |
Vic Santa Lucia | North Carolina | 2022 |
Jamie Gossard | Ohio | 2021 |
Don Herr | Pennsylvania | 2020 |
Karol Emmerich | Minnesota | 2019 |
Jim Murphy | Virginia | 2018 |
Dottie Warrell | Ohio | 2017 |
John Kinnebrew, Jr. | Florida | 2016 |
Jack Temple | Florida | 2015 |
Tim Herrington | Georgia | 2014 |
Margo Reed | Virginia | 2013 |
Grace Stamile | Califormia | 2012 |
Clayton Burkey | Pennsylvania | 2011 |
Dan Trimmer | Florida | 2010 |
Jan Joiner | Georgia | 2009 |
Mr. Jack Carpenter | Texas | 2008 |
Mr. Ned Roberts | Colorado | 2007 |
Dr. Darrel Apps | New Jersey | 2006 |
Dr. Charles E. Branch | Illinois | 2005 |
Edwin C. Brown | Florida | 2004 |
Jeff Salter | Florida | 2003 |
Curt Hanson | Ohio | 2002 |
David Talbott | Florida | 2002 |
Elizabeth Hudson Salter | Florida | 2001 |
Morton L. Morss | Florida | 2000 |
Ra Hansen | Florida | 1999 |
Clarence J. Crochet | Louisiana | 1998 |
Patrick Stamile | Florida | 1997 |
Sarah Sikes | Alabama | 1996 |
Lee E. Gates | Louisiana | 1995 |
Kate Carpenter | North Carolina | 1994 |
Enman R. Joiner | Georgia | 1993 |
Steve Moldovan | Ohio | 1992 |
Bryant Millikan | Indiana | 1991 |
Lucille Guidry | Louisiana | 1990 |
Charlie Pierce | Alabama | 1989 |
Kenneth G. Durio, Jr. | Louisiana | 1988 |
Van Sellers | North Carolina | 1987 |
David Kirchhoff | Florida | 1986 |
Pauline Henry | Arkansas | 1985 |
Oscie B. Whatley, Jr. | Missouri | 1984 |
Ury G. Winniford | Texas | 1983 |
Clarke M. Yancey | Georgia | 1982 |
Edward F. Grovatt | New Jersey | 1981 |
Elsie Spalding | Louisiana | 1980 |
R.M. Kennedy, III | South Carolina | 1979 |
Lucille Williamson | Texas | 1978 |
Clara Mae Pittard | Louisiana | 1977 |
John R. Lambert, Jr. | North Carolina | 1976 |
Allen J. Wild | Missouri | 1975 |
James E. Marsh | Illinois | 1974 |
Charles Reckamp | Illinois | 1973 |
Virginia Peck | Tennessee | 1972 |
Sally Lake | Alabama | 1971 |
George E. Lenington | Missouri | 1970 |
Robert A. Griesbach | Illinois | 1970 |
Wilmer B. Flory | Indiana | 1969 |
Hubert A. Fischer | Illinois | 1968 |
R. William Munson, Jr. | Florida | 1967 |
W.B. MacMillan | Louisiana | 1966 |
Edna Spalding | Louisiana | 1965 |
Hamilton P. Traub | California | 1964 |
Frank W. Childs | Georgia | 1963 |
Orville W. Fay | Illinois | 1962 |
Hooper J. Connell | Louisiana | 1961 |
LeMoine J. Bechtold | Colorada | 1960 |
Elmer A. Claar | Illinois | 1959 |
Hugh M. Russell | Texsas | 1958 |
Ralph W. Wheeler | Florida | 1957 |
David F. Hall | Illinois | 1956 |
Ophelia Taylor | Florida | 1955 |
Ezra J. Kraus | Oregon | 1954 |
Elizabeth Nesmith | Massachusetts | 1953 |
Mary Lester | Georgia | 1952 |
Carl Milliken | California | 1951 |
Arlow Burdette Stout | New York | 1950 |
The American Daylily Society