We help you grow!
Take advantage of all the American Daylily Society has to offer. From our online daylily registration process to free digital presentations, source lists and great publications, we strive to provide many resources to enable our members, hybridizers and daylily fans to grow. Many of our resources are available to non-members to support our mission of helping the world grow great daylilies.
a collaborative Media Library
Download Free Presentations!
If you or your local daylily club have an unforeseen planning emergency with a speaker or program and need something in a pinch, we can help! Members can download presentations for their club or personal use. For FREE, you can download many presentations for your personal use. It is very easy to do.
You can also submit presentations to be shared in this way with other daylily fans. See the link on the available presentations page for more information.
AHS Hemerocallis Hybridizer/Registrant List - 1893 to Present
The AHS Hemerocallis Hybridizer/Registrant List hereafter referred to as “the List” is an accumulation of the data found in all daylily checklists dating from the first checklist of Hemerocallis published in 1949, the DCH (Descriptive Catalog of Hemerocallis Clones – 1893 to 1948) to the present.
This List is a spreadsheet that relates all hybridizer abbreviation codes to specific hybridizers and that reflects the geographic region code associated with the address used for daylily registrations. It is normally updated after each annual checklist supplement has been produced and is also annotated with hybridizer dates of death, if known. See the Explanation Sheet for further details.
Hybridizer List – Sorted by Abbreviated Name
Daylily Dictionary
Explore a living list of terms related to the daylily and learn more about your favorite perennial.
The Daylily Journal
Get to know the flowers and the people in our quarterly publication of the American Daylily Society- included with your membership.
Grants / Scholarships
We are pleased to solicit applications for a grants from students/faculty/staff using daylilies in original research projects.
Daylily Merchandise
Shop for fun daylily merchandise in our external Zazzle store.
American Daylily Society Publications
Available on Amazon Now!
Shop our latest publications on Amazon. You can purchase any of our books or judges manuals easily and online now! Clubs who wish to order in bulk should contact the Publication Sales Manager.
Articles and Resources from the Archives
Members enjoy access to an expanded collection of articles and resources from the archives. This sample below is some of our favorite articles from the past, including reflections on the society’s 70 year history. Use the JOIN US link at the top of this page to enjoy the full range of benefits!
American Daylily Society Reflections:
- Reflections on 50 Years Ago. Click here. (Updated 2011)
- Reflections on 25 Years Ago. Click here. (Updated 2009)
Samples from the members-only collection:
- Three Articles on Daylily Seed Topics by Dr. Robert H. Griesbach. Click here.
- The Art of Hybridizing (seven part series) by Oscie Whatley. Click here.
- Hybridizing With Converted Tetraploids (4 part series) by Oscie Whatley. Click here
The AHS Archives Fund exists to help meet the costs of the acquisition and care of historical materials relevant to Hemerocallis, and to the American Daylily Society and its people and events. Such materials may include books, newspaper and magazine articles, records of the business of the Society itself, theses and dissertations, photographic or digital documents or collections of enduring value, or other pertinent items associated with daylilies or the society. Significantly, the fund allows for the purchase of specialized software and equipment needed, but not covered in the annual budget of the Archives and History Committee. If you wish to contribute to this fund, please click this link and specify the Archives Fund.
The American Daylily Society