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Ambassador Program
The Daylily Ambassador program recognizes those clubs, businesses, organizations, communities, individual or groups of individuals that successfully achieve outreach to the general public by extraordinary effort in promoting the daylily.
2020 Daylily Ambassador
Congratulations to Saundra Dunn and Along the Fence Daylilies!
The American Daylily Society is honored to recognize Saundra Dunn and Along the Fence Daylilies as Daylily Ambassadors for 2020. They are recognized for their extraordinary efforts to promote our favorite flower to the public by involving young people and senior citizens. Saundra and her crew truly embody the spirit of the Daylily Ambassador! Along the Fence Daylilies is located in Dansville, Michigan. They have been sharing their daylily gardens with their community for nearly 10 years and their collaboration with a local Senior Citizen community has been going on for over 6 years. The love of daylilies has been instilled in their youth workers and many of them have gone on to careers in horticulture. Follow them on Facebook, Along the Fence Daylilies.
Congratulations to the Hattiesburg Area Daylily Society and Sage Olah's Daylily Daze!
2019 Daylily Ambassadors announced!

The official daylily of Hattiesburg, ‘Suburban Nancy Gayle’ from Earl Watts
For nearly 25 years the Hattiesburg Area Daylily Society (HADS) have been going the extra mile to promote our favorite flower. Members have a traditional open garden day each year and the public is invited to tour the gardens. The club also has held a plant sale and exhibition for 24 years. Members have worked so hard to make Hattiesburg a true Daylily destination! Congratulations!
For the past 5 years, Region 3’s Sage Olah has been holding an annual fundraiser called Daylily Daze at her Digging Daylilies family farm in Winchester, VA. Admission is free and 20% of sales are donated to a charity. In the past, this event has raised over $10,000 for the Blue Ridge Hospice. For 2019, Healthy Families NSV (Northern Shenandoah Valley) is the designated charity. A free daylily will be given for every $10 or more direct donation to Healthy Families NSV. Upon arrival to Sage’s farm, attendees are given a clipboard and order form to select daylilies from the field which they turn in at the cashiers station; then volunteers dig the daylilies and bring them to the pickup station. Family friendly events such as a bounce house, petting zoo, kids crafts, raffles and a food truck are offered throughout the day. More information can be found on Sage’s Digging Daylilies Facebook page,

Region 3 Director, Kathleen Schloeder, and Janice Kennedy present Sage with her Daylily Ambassador Proclamation.
Flag City Daylily Tour and the Chattahoochee Valley Daylily Festival
Celebrate our Daylily Ambassadors!
The 5th annual Flag City Daylily Tour will be July 10th through the 12th in Findlay, OH. In 2018 hundreds of daylily lovers took part in this self-guided tour of six gardens, each with its own special personality. Flag City was recognized as an official Daylily Ambassador in 2018 and they’re continuing on in 2020! We are so proud!
The 7th annual Chattahoochee Valley Daylily Festival was to be held at the Columbus Botanical Garden on June 6 and June 7, 2020, but due to the uncertainty with COVID-19, the event has been canceled for 2020. We are proud to call this festival an official Daylily Ambassador! The Festival will feature an accredited daylily show, a marketplace with daylilies and arts and crafts for sale, and the opportunity to learn growing tips and see demonstrations.
The festival is presented by the Chattahoochee Valley Daylily Society, Columbus Botanical Garden and the University of Georgia Extension Service.
Eligibility Criteria
A club, organization, commercial business or non-profit, community/government, individual or group of individuals is referred to as an “entity” for simplicity.
An entity may or may not be affiliated with AHS. International entities are eligible for recognition under this program as well. Events or activities which are predominantly internal to the AHS community do not qualify unless they are involved with other groups and/or go well above and beyond traditional club outreach activities.
Each entity is evaluated individually upon its own merit and effort in promoting the daylily since the activities may vary considerably.
It is understood that the entities have a shared passion for the daylily and promote that passion to the general public with their extraordinary and innovative efforts that may include:
- Involving, if possible, participation of private citizens, business owners, non-profits, and governments (including schools).
- Widening awareness of the value of daylilies to the homeowner, gardener, landscapers/nurserymen, community, and the general public.
- Engendering pride and public support through daylily-related celebrations.
- Involving a broad scope of the age demographic in activities for youths to seniors.
- Publicizing the daylily event or celebrations in multiple ways. For example, print media, broadcast media, personal appearances, the Internet (email, websites, blogs, etc.), social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) and media yet to be invented. This list is not all inclusive.
Nomination Process
Nominations for Daylily Ambassador may be submitted by an entity or the entity’s sponsor. In addition, they may be submitted by any AHS member. New candidates may be submitted for evaluation by the Committee at any time during the year.
All nominations must be submitted using the PDF of this form. The form must be filled out and emailed to Upon a positive majority evaluation by the Daylily Ambassador Committee, the entity shall be presented to the AHS Marketing Chair for approval, after which the recognition process will proceed.
Recognition of the Entities
A Proclamation shall be generated by the Committee for signature of the AHS President.
Daylily Ambassdors will be publicized in the Daylily Journal, the Email Robin, Daylily Enews as well on all AHS Social Media. Since recognition occurs throughout the year, publicity in the Daylily Journal will be limited to one issue, as determined by the editor.
The American Daylily Society