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Grants / Scholarships

The American Daylily Society is pleased to offer two scholarships each year to qualified American Daylily Society members. Please see the complete information below for deadlines and criteria. The society also accepts applications for research grants from graduate or undergraduate students/faculty/staff using daylilies (plant genus Hemerocallis) as experimental organisms in an original research project. Information on submitting a proposal is provided below.

About Our Grants

Applications are welcomed from graduate or undergraduate students/faculty/staff for scientific studies using the daylily (Hemerocallis).

A typical grant award to successful candidate(s) is no more than US$5,000 for the calendar year; this figure might be increased for some projects. Two (2) renewals of the grant may be made for a total of three years of support, based on submission of a satisfactory annual report in September of each year. A contract will be written and an article for publication in The Daylily Journal will be required before the final installment is paid.

The American Daylily Society does not cover indirect costs for research grant proposals. It is our intention that all money granted should go directly to the specific research project funded. Our financial support must be cited in any publications resulting from the grant. All aspects of scientific research on Hemerocallis will be considered including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Haploid daylilies by anther/pollen or ovary/ovule culture
  • Developmental and genetic relationships between cristate, polymerous and double daylilies
  • Relationship of daylily diseases and pests to mineral nutrition
  • Environmental causes of flower bud drop
  • Fine structural studies of vegetative or reproductive parts
  • Effect of various hormones on plant growth and formation of proliferations on scapes
  • Use of microtubule degradants (e.g., trifluralin, oryzalin, amiprophosmethyl) to produce polyploids
  • Seed dormancy factors
  • Plant dormancy, e.g. timing, triggers and release mechanism of para-, eco-, and endo-dormancy
  • Environmental influences on floral initiation
  • Pests, diseases, disorders and their control (e.g., crown and root rots, spring sickness, bulb mites, gall midge, daylily rust, viruses, phytoplasmas, leafminer, nematodes).



Student applications will require letters of recommendation from both the candidate’s departmental chairperson and his/her thesis adviser/supervisor.

Proposals received will be evaluated at one of two possible times each year, with deadlines for each period currently April 1 and September 1.

You are welcome to begin the submission process by completing our online form with a brief outline of the proposed research. Should the outline appear to meet the goals of the American Daylily Society, a template will be provided for the applicant/s to detail background, goals, techniques, personnel cvs and a budget.

Begin Submission Process

Recently Funded Research Grants

  1. “Proposal for a project to investigate control measures for the Hemerocallis Gall Midge”, Andrew Halstead of the Royal Horticultural Society. 2008-2010, $4,500. The project is more fully described on the RHS web site.
  2. “Dips, drenches and foliar applications of fungicides for management of daylily rust in field plantings”, James W. Buck of the University of Georgia Horticulture Department. 2010, $3,000.  Results from study were published in: Dong, W.B. and Buck, James W. 2011. Report on the AHS-funded study of dips, drenches and foliar applications of fungicides for management of daylily rust. The Daylily Journal 66:10-12.
  3. “Characterization of daylily (Hemerocallis sp.) transcriptome using GS-FLX 454 pyrosequencing”, Neal Stewart (PI), Gisele Schoene and Yanhui Peng, Department of Plant Sciences, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN. 2011-2012, $3,000.00.

Scholarship Opportunities

Mabel Matthews Scholarship

  • The scholarship amount will be announced each year and will be based on the interest on the balance of funds in the endowment account, and donations that are made to the fund.
  • The deadline for applications is April 1.
  • The scholarship may be awarded to a maximum of two individuals each year.
  • In the event a scholarship is not awarded in a given year, the funds will be eligible for the following year.
  • Eligible to any American Daylily Society member (no age requirement) with three or more years of membership.
  • Eligible for members seeking a bachelor degree or postgraduate degree in any college or university to include on-line entities, provided it is accredited in the applicant’s chosen field.
  • While the scholarship is without restriction to a specific field of study, preference will be given to horticulture, botany, chemistry, and landscape architecture.
  • An applicant must demonstrate service to an ADS club or at an ADS regional level.
  • The scholarship shall be given annually, subject to the selection of an eligible applicant.
  • The recipient must maintain a grade point equivalent of 3.0 based on 4.0 system.
  • The scholarship may be given to an individual recipient for up to a maximum of six years.

Download the application form HERE.

Bertie Ferris Youth Scholarship

  1. A $1,000.00 scholarship will be awarded annually with the exception of two $1,000.00 scholarships being offered if there was no recipient the previous year.
  2. Applicant must be an American Daylily Society youth member or a member not more than 19 years old. In either case, the applicant must have held youth status for two consecutive years prior the year the application is being submitted.
  3. Applicant must be one of the following: a) Graduating senior in high school entering college, university or technical school.  b) High school student enrolled in a dual credit program.
  4. The student’s future course of studies must be in Horticulture, Botany, Plant Physiology or other plant sciences.
  5. The applicant is required to write a letter giving the reason for applying for the scholarship and include the applicant’s future plans.
  6. Applicant must submit the completed application and letter, by mail or email, to the Youth Committee chairman between January 1 and March 31 of the year the scholarship is to be awarded.
  7. Applicant’s membership will be verified by the Youth Chair and the AHS Youth Committee will review the applications and vote for the winning candidate(s).
  8. The names of the winner(s) will be announced at the National Convention and published in The Daylily Journal and the Youth News.
  9. Money will be sent directly to the winner’s college, university or technical school.

Contact the Youth Chairman if you need more information or have questions.

Committee Chair
Region 3
Chair of the Following Committee(s):
Member of the Following Committee(s):
Membership, Youth
Regional Office(s):
Local Club Leadership Positions:

Click here to get the AHS Youth Scholarship Form in .pdf format

The American Daylily Society