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Click on the SUBSCRIBE button below to receive the Daylily Dispatch! It's a free electronic newsletter for all who share an interest in daylilies, including members of the American Daylily Society and other horticultural organizations, educators, garden writers, news media, and others who love to garden. The Daylily Dispatch offers information, announcements, Press Releases, photography and the latest news about daylilies and the society, especially updates that occur between issues of The Daylily Journal.
Interested in advertising in the Daylily Dispatch?
- Daylily Dispatch is sent quarterly: March, June, September and December. We may also send special editions as needed.
- We will limit the number of ads per issue so as not to overwhelm our readers. We will feature a large ad space (about 400 pixels wide) in the main body of the e-newsletter and sidebar ad spaces (each about 100 pixels wide).
Fee structure for sponsorship ads:
- 1 large ad space: $50 per year (4 issues)
- 1 sidebar ad: $25 per year (4 issues).
- Our sponsorship rates are subject to change based upon the number of subscribers.
Guidelines for placing sponsorship ads:
- The ads need to be related to gardening, preferably to an aspect of daylilies.
- Ads may include individual names, company names, mailing addresses, and direct links to email addresses and websites.
- You may submit graphics for ads, including photos of flowers, gardens, people, etc. E-news images are in JPEG format. If you send other formats, we will convert them and color shifts may occur. We will not be able to perform color correction.
- Images will be resized as needed to fit a particular ad space.
- Layout and design of an ad is constrained by the e-newsletter template we use with our service provider, Constant Contact.
- If you prefer, you may submit a complete ad layout as a JPEG graphic (up to a 400-pixel wide image for the large ad and up to a 100-pixel wide image for the sidebar). However, keep in mind that if you submit your ad as a single image, we can link only the entire graphic to a website. We would be unable to create a specific link for an email address, a single bloom, etc., contained within the graphic.
- All ads are subject to approval by the editors. We reserve the right to edit or reject items.
The American Daylily Society